Bridal Alterations can be a confusing and intimidating process if you are not prepared! Here is a piece I wrote for Catalyst a couple of years ago that people have found helpful As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions you have!
What To Know Before Booking Your Bridal Alterations
1. What is a bustle? Are there different styles of bustles? What are the effects of the different bustle styles?
A bustle is a way of pulling up the train of the dress so that you can dance and move with ease once the ceremony is over. There are many ways to bustle a gown and the “best” way is different for every gown. At my shop I try to work with both the dress and the bride to find the one that looks and functions the best. Even if you aren’t sure you are going to use it, I recommend having one put in. It will make all the difference when it’s time to hit the dance floor!
2. Can the shape of a dress be significantly changed?
Every dress has its limitations but they also have a lot of possibilities. I wish I could be more specific but it is usually a case by case basis that depends on the dress you have and the changes you want to make. I have had people come to me that thought that what they wanted was impossible and it was very doable. I have also had cases where someone came to me with what they thought would be a simple change, but wasn’t actually feasible for their dress. Before counting on making those changes I recommend that you consult with a qualified bridal tailor. Often the salespeople at the bridal shop will assure brides that anything is possible with the gown. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case but sometimes you would be amazed at what can be done!
3. Is it possible to make a dress bigger?
Yes! Again, every dress is different, but many dresses have enough seam allowance to let the gown out between 1”-3”. A talented bridal tailor can also add fabric, lace, or beadwork to extend the dress further. A dress that is lacey is easier to extend invisibly, provided that you have extra lace from the dress or a similar enough blend in. You want to get as close a fit as you can, but if you have gained a few pounds since ordering, or if you just love that one dress and there is only a size too small don’t panic!
4. I was told I could buy a dress much bigger than my size. How big is too big?
As always, it depends on the dress. Strapless dresses or dresses with shoulder straps can usually be taken in more than ones with sleeves. I have taken in a dress from a size 14 to a size 2 before, but it is daunting and there are some stylistic changes that are involved. A substantially larger dress than your size will require a great deal of work to get a good fit so you can expect to pay more for alterations, but often it can be done.
5. What is your opinion on adding or removing straps?
Adding straps is usually not a problem as long as there is fabric available from the dressmaker or the dress is easily matched. It often gives a little needed support for larger busts, especially if you go with a ½” strap as opposed to a spaghetti strap. Removing straps is a little dicier as it depends on the structure of the gown. If the gown is not backless and has enough structure to stay up without them it shouldn’t be a problem. I have had brides come in who have had the straps removed at the gown shop and the dress won’t stay up because is has no back. In those cases the straps will have to be replaced to keep the dress up.